Monday, April 12, 2010

"Game Recognize Game Grandad, and You're Looking Unfamiliar Right Now!"

"Just be yourself" may be the biggest lie anyone ever told. Everyone knows "Being Yourself" is a bad idea, just ask the neighborhood Ho. There's always a buyer for whatever you're selling. For instance, I love Abs, but when girls like me see Abs (knowing how hard it is to get them) I just assume he's mentally incompatible. Why? I figure he lives in the gym. I love Abs, but I love brains more. What does it matter? In the Gym guys defense I only represent about 10% of the female population. So really, my dislike of his "Gym-Time" affects such a small percentile of his overall pussy supply. We know this upon meeting. We know who's who just by looking at each other. He'll see me and know I spend too little time in the gym and too much time in the books, and I know the vice-versa. So what do we do? I give his Ab's a solid Nod. He gives my Ass's perfect circumference a standing ovation, and there continues the circle of life.
Someone once told me that most guys don't go for me because of some reason or the other revolving around my infamous "difficulty" (I pick my bones, what can I say?). At the time, I was offended (and proceeded to take her man) but now in retrospect all this is just Natural Selection. Most guys don't go for me? That's perfectly okay, because guess what? I don't go for Most guys neither. So we just canceled each other out right there. I don't want typical men, and typical men don't want me.
The Theory of "Game Recognize Game" is so etched into the fiber of my being that I cannot afford to waver from the truth. I look at people in the eye, and if I recognize the other person, I nod. If I don't, then I'm honestly trying to learn to just let you be. I release you from all expectations. I accept that your body is indeed just a body, and whatever is residing in that body has nothing to do with me and my peace of mind. Knowing who you are in the scheme of things is important to me, but wild cards exist, and Thank God they do. Oh, how I adore a mind-job.

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