Wednesday, May 12, 2010

W.F.Y (We Fuck You)

Men don't like something that was handed on a platter, but unfortunately. It usually is. For Example. I'm pretty forward, and I'm sexy, so I attract a lot of attention. But, it's this same quality that diffuses the men I truly want. Men I don't care for will have the sufficient amount of "chasing" they require, because I'm not interested. It's my lack of interest that interests them... (AHA-moment)... I can say with full force and vigor that 100% of men I've been seriously interested in have not been interested in me until I completely lost interest in them. So, really The Key is to play an a-sexual female. To look good enough to eat, but not want to be eaten.

This is the most frustrating part of courtship. Let me attempt articulating why...
women are evolving. We're not as shy or as womanly, or as well behaved as we used to be. We go for what we want in all aspects except one. MEN. And this is because, men like the challenge. We purposely don't hit on men because we are so acutely aware of the fact that men don't like being pursued. They lose interest in you when you communicate how easily they can get it. They like to think of themselves as the aggressors, the kings of the jungle

(please note that in most animal kingdoms, the female is more aggressive. The female of any animal is the one you DON'T want to cross paths with)

Well men, I have a newsflash, we like the hunt too. I think complex societal waves put women in the position of dormancy. Now women have had to invent creative ways of getting a man's attention, getting him to ask you out, and getting laid... all without sending a single indication that you orchestrated this the entire time. Thus justifying the "Ya'll don't fuck us, we fuck you" Mantra that is circulating the streets. But this factor also confuses. Let me go on

If you have to act Disinterested to one whom you are severely Interested in so he in turn becomes Interested in you, Then how useful is it to behave Disinterestedly in one whom you are truly and honest to God Disinterested in? I have scientific proof that behaving disinterestedly in men only encourages them. People who I've never given a damn about are still very very enamored by me, but people who I like, who I smile and give my number willingly to, those who know they have more-than-a-green-light when it comes to me couldn't be less Interested in me after they discover this fact.

I have two options. I can either swap responses (be too easy, too eager and too willing with those who I swear to God cannot stand, and never ever ever want to date, so that they can be automatically turned off and leave me the hell alone. Also, In turn be aloof, cruel and Disinterested to those I adore and have them be my sexual slaves until the end of time.)
Or continue to walk this fine line called 50%. Where you're not too eager but you're willing. Where you read faces and guess the way. Where you give up on having those you want, because you can't behave appropriately, and settle for the ones who sneak into your heart cavities through good old blood, sweat, and tears. Kill the natural born killer in you, and settle for societies footprints. Why? Why surrender? Not only is it easier, their formula's have a better success rate than yours. Either you play it your way and lose, or play it their way and win. I shall conduct a social experiment for this soon.


  1. I LOVE THIS! and I hope you don't mind, I've linked it to my blog...:)

  2. THAAANK YOU!!! link to you? NO PROBLEM cutie pie!!!!!
