Monday, May 24, 2010

The Pursuit of Happy-ness

"I operate under the impression that everyone is only doing what they do because they love doing it. I subscribe to the HAPPINESS channel. You only keep doing it because you're HAPPY doing it." APGB May 10, 2:42 pm

Lately, I've come to realize that the English language, or language of any kind, rather, does not efficiently express ideas. That's it's more productive to watch people behave, listen to them talk, and then connect the dots.

Happiness literally means a state of joy. Which is cute, because even though society associates certain attributes to it (if you complain, you can't be Happy. If you look like shit, and act like shit, you can't be Happy. If you're broke, you can't be Happy. You get the picture) it has come to mean something else. In my terms, Happiness is being Happy with your life as is. Let's examine...

Let's take person A. Person A claims to want Happiness. Happiness in the societal definition. Yet, Person A does everything in their power to orchestrate events so they always end up quote unquote UnHappy. So then, it's only correct to assume that this person gets "pleasure" and "joy" from being in a state of sadness and despair. One of the main constants of human nature I find is that above all, humans do what they WANT to do. Not what they "should" do. If you want money, you go out and work. If you want love, and you can't find it. Go to Borders, have a coffee and go through the self-help section... TONS of resources out there willing and ready to help YOU change YOUR life, but if you like where you are.... keep doing you. (and people often do)

In America, if you want to change your life, you can. You just have to want to. Most people who are unhappy are unhappy by choice. All the things in your life are a result of the choices you consistently continue to make. Your body is a reflection of the foods you consistently choose to put in your mouth, and how much you like or dislike to be active. Your relationships are a reflection of how you conduct yourself and who you CHOOSE to be in your life. Let me stop, this is not a motivational speech, all I'm saying is. If you have a low-bliss tolerance, then that's your state of happiness. If you like drama, and turmoil, and plates flying, tears, stress... then that's what your life is. If you didn't like it, you would've changed the channel.

This realization has made me a much more forgiving person. When I reflect (I say reflect because I have no problems in my life. I like being "Happy" happy, I have the sky high bliss tolerance to prove it and my life is as easy as a breeze... just how I like it) on my past "problems" and "issues", I realized that the CORE fault was that people were looking in different directions. I'm looking ahead, blazing trails, getting things done, raising my bliss-tolerance bar and loving the only way a lover can. Meanwhile I was dealing with people who don't look up or ahead, they look at the spot they stand on, or behind, blazing scandals, not changing, not expanding or not growing in any way other than physically. Where they are now they've been for 10+ years, and have an EXTREMELY low Bliss Tolerance to match. They love the only way an Happily "UnHappy" person can love. With a vast amount of tragedy and self-sabotage.

Now that my life is exactly how I want it, and I purposefully choose my company, team members and lovers with such care and caution anyone would be impressed, I look at these memories with a warm glow inside, knowing I finally jumped over the gigantic mental hurdle. I feel like the Fox who was swimming across the river with the Snake on her back, and the Snake bit me (as Snakes do) and I still got to the other side and said, "Snake, even though you Promised not to bite me, I forgive you for behaving in the nature of your being, because... when all is said and done, you're a snake. BITE is what you do. Good Day Snake! Keep Snaking. You're exceptional at it!!"

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