Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Are Ugly People are better in bed?

So, I'm sitting here listening to Jozen ( tell me that Ugly Women are better in bed. I almost asked for confirmation on my facebook and twitter page (facebook search: A Pretty Girls Blog. Twitter search: a pretty girl blog) but then I disregard it. Why? Everything is relative.

The rumor is, "the uglier you are, the harder you try." Not True.

The best I had in bed was an Ugly guy. The reasons he didn't last on the payroll could fill a book, but... If I could bottle his shit and sell it as a street drug - I would. It would go by the name, "Anaconda".

The worst I had in bed was an Fugly guy. Why I even bothered is beyoooond me (*singing if I could turn back the hands of time* and *blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol*)

So then onto other arenas - Jozen also mentioned ugly girls are less of a headache. He recommended dimes behave like a 7, and 7's behave like a 5 for brownie points. To that I say, you think Pretty Girl's are headaches? I'll take your Pretty Girl and raise you a Pretty Boy. That's a migrane. Anyone that takes time in physically pruning themselves isn't going to be easy to live with. It takes alot of raw materials to make a canvas a masterpiece. Let me shoot a few at you: makeup, gym, weights, vegan life, sexy underwear, mirrors, camera's, hair salons, shaving sticks, wax, weaves, designer clothes (or just a plain old Fashion Sense), nice car, pedicures, manicures, facial masks, therapy, fake eyelashes, pretty friends... Why do they work so hard to look good? To attract the type of person that can afford them that lifestyle. Also, Why should they work that hard for physical glory just to be nice? What's the point then? They have the Right to be assholes. They're beautiful! You're lucky to find one with a personality Jozen, just take what you can get! Like Jay-Z said... "She's used to million dollar vacations, fuck ya'll gon' do with that? When you're used to filet mignon, it's kinda hard to go back to Hamburger Helper. But it's your choice though baby"

But, there are also nice people that are beautiful. Tyra.

As a conclusion... pretty, or fugly... some people are douchebags through and through. They could look like an inside out rectum and still have a shitty attitude. It has nothing to do with your looks, it has everything to do with your upbringing.



  1. This is soo true...I've met fug ugly people whose personalities where even uglier and I think to myself as ugly as you are you should at least try and be nice. Then I have met "beautiful" people whose attitueds were so stank that they made them not even cute.

  2. I personally believe ugly people should be nice. It might sound shallow but it's like being at a restaurant with bad food, yet exceptional service. The attitude makes up for the fugliness! I can't believe the odasity of ugly rude people.
